
Kids With Mental Disorders: A Staggering 1 in 5 Annually

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kinds-mental-health-cdcEven for those of us in the mental health profession, this has to be alarming.

In looking at data from 2005-2011, the CDC has recently calculated that up to 20% of children experience some type of mental disorder each year.

An estimated $247 million is spent on children’s mental health each year.

The CDC study is thought to be the most comprehensive study of children’s mental health. It draws from a number of ongoing federal studies.

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Nearly 7% of children are diagnosed with ADHD annually.

Other major contributors were depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems.

This follows a recent announcement from the CDC suggesting that 1 in 50 school children suffer from autism.

Here’s the NIH’s FAQ page for parents who suspect that their child may be suffering from a mental disorder.

Hat tip to New Scientist.